The Frugal and Free Daily

Thursday, October 14, 2004

Welcome to Frugal and Free!

I am just getting myself together for a few deals today. The best so far is the Tropicana Light Juice Drinks at SAFEWAY. They are on sale for $1 plus there are coupons out $1/2 plus there is an IN-AD coupon for $5 off when you purchase 8 participating products...and you guessed it...Tropicana is one of them. FREE JUICE DRINKS!!!!-I thought it a good deal at 50¢ but, FREE is ALWAYS better.
I feel I am under time restraints this week because there is a pending strike here in Colorado with Safeway and King Soopers. (Kroger store)
If negotiations cannot be met by Saturday night, 10-16-04, the employees will be locked out and the strike begins. I WILL NOT cross the picket lines...It means I will have to shop at Super Walmart and Grocery Warehouse.(Don't get me wrong, I LOVE to shop at Grocery Warehouse, but the deals at Safeway and KS are great.) **sigh**

Word has it that negotiations have been delayed another week. So no strike Saturday night at midnite. Let the deals continue at King Soopers and Safeway.

This is what I found on my trip out into deal-land today:
King Soopers:
All Hungryman dinners 50%--I got 5 different ones for $1.09 each AFTER my $1 c/o, which will also partially qualify for the refund of $6.25 (amt tends to vary dependent on region of country.)
One of the guys who works in KS, who always alerts me of specials in the store, told me about an unheard of deal on 80% lean Ground Beef patties, 3 lb bag for $1.99. That's 66¢ a lb for LEAN Ground Beef! I could mush it up and use it for meatballs or meatloaf if I wanted to. I can do ANYTHING with it. For $10 I got 15 lbs of ground meat.
Hamburger Helper: $1 a box less 75¢/3 or 50¢/2, wherever you are. CHEAP HH!
Don't Forget the Fuji Film deal! $2.28-$2 c/o=28¢. Remember to store all your extra film in the fridge. (I used to work in custom photo labs and process film. Ya don't get funky pink prints when you store your film in the fridge.)

Well, that is all I can think of right now...I will post as I find deals out there.
It's back to work, outside the home tomorrow. Sometimes I miss as much posting as I would like...but it is definitely a challenge working 40 hours, hold the home together, and run a website. Oh, I forgot, shopping for all the deals for my family and donating the excess.
WHEW! But I LOVE it!

Go Forth and Save!
Frugal and Free!


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