The Frugal and Free Daily

Thursday, April 14, 2005

Just Some Thoughts...

I just returned from King Soopers and it was a pretty good trip. Not what I would call a "sweep" but not bad.

I got 1/2 gallons of milk for 50¢(I got 10), Fresh Express Caesar Salad kits (6) for free. They were in the produce markdown for $1 a bag and I had $2 c/o off 2. I got a huge bag of broccoli for $1.50 and mixed veggies for 75¢. Sliced mushrooms for 75¢, Cottage Cheese, 32 oz was $1.50. All of this is just great for salads and my attempt at healthier eating. And who said all we get is junk food couponing and wise shopping?

I have gotten pretty spoiled from all the "steals and deals" I have gotten lately. But, it is okay when I don't get a "sweep" of a certain department. I just always have my eyes open and my binder of coupons ready. That brings me to a suggestion. I always try to have a wide variety of coupons in my binder, such as ANY lunchmeat, cheese, dairy product, because it will be on sale or markdown for sure. When things are on sale plus a coupon, that is usually real good. But, when there is an “overstock” clearance or “reduced to clear” markdowns plus a coupon—WOW, that is just phenomenal prices. That’s usually when I get things not “on sale” but “on free.” **grin**

So, give it a try, even if you and your family don’t use certain brands, your local food bank or other charity with a food bank can certainly benefit from any donation. (Here is where I step up on the “soap box”) …There are so many people in OUR nation that are hungry, going without. It breaks my heart when I speak with older folks and find out how little they have to make it on. It’s a shame. All the children going to bed hungry, without the bare necessities and just a few special things to bring that twinkle back in their eye again. Kids don’t understand poverty. They shouldn’t have to, really. What I am trying to teach my children is that we ought to feel very grateful that God has blessed us with a way to get our groceries and household items for a mere fraction of what most people pay. And I am also teaching them how to shop wisely. Think of all the donations that could be made! It boggles my mind at the good that could be done. (Reminds me of the movie “Pay it Forward.)

Okay, I will step down from the “soap box” now but I do get back up there on a regular basis. Hey, it is what I do. I haven’t “been there, done that” just to forget it all and stick my head in the sand. I can’t. I won’t.

Be sure to visit Frugal and Free , look around the coupon section for the gems you want and need, check out our Frugal and Free Coupon Cutter and sign up for our newsletter, The Frugal and Free Weekly
Hope you have a great night and a very prosperous and frugal weekend. I will be posting soon. Any questions, email me.

Now…Go Forth & Save!
Frugal and Free


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