The Frugal and Free Daily

Thursday, January 13, 2005

The Proof is in the 48¢ a 4-pack!

Most people don't think that coupons will save them very much money. I have heard the following reasons why people don't "coupon." "
  • It's only a few won't save me that much!
  • How can I be saving money if I buy all this stuff I don't use?
  • I don't have the time to clip, sort & mess with all those coupons!

Well, all I can say is..."You have no idea how much money you could be saving your family and friends/loved ones around you."

I used to think that I didn't have the time or the energy to mess with the coupons, but when I saw the opportunity to save SO MUCH money, I learned how to MAKE the time.

I used to buy generic products all the time. I needed the cheapest thing on the shelf to make ends meet. I think one of the few things I am "brand loyal" on is toilet paper but I have learned to compromise at times, learning when to bend. Now, I get name brand products for free or nearly free by combining coupons, sales and promotions as well as rebates to mail in to the manufacturers.

I have learned the "art" of couponing. Studying the ads, paying attention to prices and noticing wonderful, trackable trends in the grocery business and learning to utilize them to my family's benefit. For instance, if I see tuna on sale for a great price, I will buy up as much as I can to last until the next sale. That way, I won't be paying beefed up prices and I won't be at the grocer and manufacturer's mercy.

I used to call this a hobby that helped my family. I was wrong. This is a way of life. I put in enough time for this to be considered my second job. And I do it because I love it and my family.

Here are some of the "frees" and nearly "frees" I got today:

King Soopers

  • Lender's Bagels-refrigerated (w/ raincheck)-FREE
  • Soup at Hand-FREE
  • Coffeemate creamer-FREE
  • Stayfree pantiliners-FREE
  • SlimFast Drinks 6 pack- 50¢
  • Nyquil Liquid Caps trial size-FREE
  • Herbal Essence trial size-FREE
  • Degree deodorant trial size-FREE

Total before coupons, in vacinity of $140 and I spent $28.


  • Glade air freshener-FREE
  • Ragu-6 jars 50¢(With Unilever auto deduct $10 promo on 6)
  • Pillsbury Cake Mixes-2/$1

I even returned 100 feet of telephone cable to Radio Shack and got my DH some new computer speakers he needed and got change of $4.30.

It was a very, very full day of coupon blessings. I am very grateful. C'mon, let's get clipping.

Now, Go Forth and Save!


Frugal and Free


  • At 10:05 PM, Blogger Life's Little Observer said…


    You are absolutely amazing.


  • At 10:36 AM, Blogger Michelle said…

    Thanks so much for the post. Everything I do with couponing is at anyone's disposal. If you have any questions, just ask. I LOVE converting people to this way of life. Kinda reminds me of that movie with Kevin Spacey and Helen Hunt--"Paying it Forward."
    Now...Go Forth & Save!


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